Real brothers in the gay porn industry

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I was not economically destitute or without other options. 'I was not forced, coerced, or tricked into doing pornography. It begins 'LOVE bade me welcome yet my soul drew back,/ Guilty of dust and sin.' When Love asks 'and know you not…Who bore the blame?' and invites the poet to 'sit down…and taste my meat,' the poet obliges.Īfter the poem, Floyd writes, 'A few months ago at the height of my popularity, I quietly stopped filming in the adult entertainment industry.' After recounting his withdrawal, he takes full responsibility for his actions. The confession begins with George Herbert's poem 'Love,' which focuses on God's forgiveness. After less than a year, the life-long Roman Catholic has returned to his roots, swearing off the 'hurt' his acting caused.įollowing his decision to leave the gay porn industry, Floyd said, 'I quietly deleted my Twitter account and my Facebook and Facebook Fan page.' He also stopped posting on his website 'and eventually had all the content removed.' A fan-run Twitter account still exists, with the handle but Floyd has dropped completely off the map, and CP was not able to contact him for an interview.įloyd's one remaining website,, contains only his personal confession. Jake Floyd, better known as 'Jake Genesis,' has retired from the porn industry. Jake Genesis, whose real name is Jake Floyd, left the Oakland police force in 2010.

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